Term life insurance with benefits now.

Protect your loved ones’ future and get healthy living benefits today.

Instant coverage starting as low as $1.25 per week*

Get covered in minutes. No medical exam. 30-day money back guarantee. Annual $100 healthy living rebate. That’s living nowly.

*Age-based rate of an 18-year-old female non-smoker for a non-renewable 10-year term life policy with $100,000 coverage. Subject to terms and conditions.

nowly Term Life Insurance

An easy, simplified and affordable life insurance plan for you and your loved ones with an annual $100 healthy living rebate. Those with simple life insurance needs, are healthy and want great coverage with amazing benefits will love the nowly term life plan.

Non-Renewable Term Life Insurance
Renewable Term Life Insurance
Term 100 Life Insurance
Eligibility Ages
Term 10: 18-60
Term 15: 18-55
Term 20: 18-50
Term 25: 18-45
Term 10: 18-60
Term 15: 18-55
Term 20: 18-50
Term 25: 18-45
Term 100: 18-65
Coverage Amount
$100,000 - $1,000,000
Ages 18-45
Ages 46-50
Ages 51-55
Ages 56-60
Ages 18-45
Ages 46-50
Ages 51-55
Ages 56-60
Ages 18-45
Ages 46-50
Ages 51-55
Ages 56-65
Simplified & instant issue or underwritten if more medical information required
Simplified & instant issue or underwritten if more medical information required
Underwritten only
Medical Questionnaire
Yes. Medical exam and fluids may be required.
Yes. Medical exam and fluids may be required.
Yes. Medical exam and fluids may be required.
If Approved, Coverage Effective
Instant approval or 4-6 weeks if more medical information required
Instant approval or 4-6 weeks if more medical information required
If approved, coverage effective 4-6 weeks
Maximum Expiry Age
Lifetime (coverage continues past the insured’s 100th birthday)
Cash Surrender Value
Renewable only
Premiums level throughout the policy term
Premiums level throughout the initial policy term; step-up rates apply at time of renewable
Premiums level throughout the policy term and must be paid up until the insured’s 100th birthday.
All of our term life products offer our Members a terminal illness benefit which is an advance of your death benefit up to 50% to a maximum of $50K to help you cover unexpected costs associated with medical appointments etc. To qualify, your policy must be in good standing for a minimum of two years, and must be diagnosed with a terminal illness and have a life expectancy of eighteen (18) months or less. Terms and conditions apply.

Protect your loved ones with nowly term life insurance.

Our term life insurance is about affordability and incredible benefits now. Premiums are affordable and remain the same throughout the term of your policy.

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