Get ready to thrive like never before! Our Member benefits program, Flourish+, made just for you is focused on mental health and wellness. Flourish+ goes beyond the ordinary to support your well-being with a variety of new programs co-created with our Members. Enhanced, meaningful, complimentary healthy living benefits, rebates, awards and giving back for mental health. Well-being for life.
We’re continuing to support your wellness journey with our popular Healthy Living Rebate. Up to $100 is available annually, January through December for a broad range of health and wellness programs, products and services.* Log in to your Member Site account to make your rebate claim today.
Our virtual wellness speaking events allow nowly Members to hear inspiring stories from Canadian mental health keynote speakers. Our third Flourish+ Talk featured Dr. Gillian Mandich, an award-winning happiness researcher, speaker, educator, and author, and 2024 Teacher’s Life Living Values Service Excellence Awardee and educator, Karen Goodeve. Click here to watch and listen.
Did you know: our awards are open to students in any year of post-secondary education? Do you have a child, grandchild, niece or nephew who may be eligible for Teachers Life awards?
We’re on a mission to improve the overall Member Experience and foster a culture of thoughtful innovation together. Do you have a creative, innovative suggestion for us to consider that will enhance your experience? We want to hear from you!
To celebrate, our Members will receive a Happy Birthday email and will be entered into a random draw during their birthday month for a chance to receive a $250 gift card! Members with an email on file will automatically be entered for a chance to win each year. Add or update your email address on our Member Portal. Watch for your birthday message from us! Didn’t receive one? Questions? Call us at: 1-844-667-5433
*Some conditions apply. The Healthy Living rebate is a rebate program intended to reward you for making healthy choices. When you purchase a health or wellness product or service and you provide proof of payment to nowly, you may be eligible (subject to conditions) for a rebate of up to $100 per calendar year if you hold an active insurance policy with us and you have not missed a premium payment. nowly Member benefits, including Flourish +, are non-contractual, and are subject to benefit-specific eligibility requirements and limitations, and may be changed or canceled without notice. nowly has the right to refuse to redeem a rebate and can change or cancel the Healthy Living rebate program at any time without notice to you. As a unique Member Benefit, submissions are reviewed for completeness. If you do not receive payment within 6 weeks, or would like help with your submission, contact nowly Member Experience 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday at 1-844-667-5433, or email us at: